четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Vic: Stalker threatened to join Archbishop's Xmas lunch - court

Vic: Stalker threatened to join Archbishop's Xmas lunch - court

Melbourne's Catholic Archbishop has begun legal action against a stalker after shethreatened to join his family for Christmas lunch.

In the Melbourne Magistrates Court, Archbishop DENIS HART's won a 13-month interventionorder against ANNE FURNESS.

FURNESS, aged 45 of South Yarra, has an ongoing dispute with the Church over allegationsof bullying and sexual abuse after a relationship with former priest BARRY WHELAN in 2001.

The court's been told FURNESS visited the Archbishop's home several times this month.

On one occasion she threw stones through a window and on another stayed until policewere called to arrest her.

The Archbishop told the court although he feels very sorry for FURNESS, he finallysought a temporary intervention order after she phoned his office proposing to join himand his extended family for Christmas lunch.

Magistrate FELICITY BROUGHTON granted a final intervention order until January 2004,ruling that FURNESS had stalked the Archbishop, causing him apprehension and fear.

AAP RTV nl/jlw/rk/rp


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