четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

VIC: Vic govt plans legal aid protest

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: Vic govt plans legal aid protest

The Victorian government is threatening to pull out of a federal review of Community
Legal Centres because of ongoing cuts to legal aid.

Attorney General ROB HULLS has accused the federal government of trying to use the
review to close the centres.

Mr HULLS says the centres are one of the few avenues open for disadvantaged people
to gain access to justice.

He says he's written to federal Attorney General DARYL WILLIAMS threatening to withdraw
from the review unless there are major changes to the terms of reference.

Mr HULLS says the review should acknowledge community ownership of the legal centres,
the crucial role they play in society and the importance of their volunteers.

He says the federal government plans to slash Victoria's share of legal aid funding
by $5.5 million after cutting $5.3 million in 1997.

aap RTV ljm/sp/ag/smf/rp


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